
Penske truck on the road

Shared Dedicated Transportation Networks Boost Efficiency

Enjoy reduced miles, high service levels and flexible pricing structures with shared dedicated transportation networks

Shared Dedicated Transportation Networks Boost Efficiency and Sustainability
Female consumer in store

Opportunities for Consumer Goods Shippers

Fundamental changes in consumer demand require new approaches to the design and management of FMCG supply chains and consumer goods logistics

Markets for high-volume, low-margin products known as fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) have felt the full force of the changes sweeping through the retail industry.
Cold-Chain Multi-Client Warehouses Require Careful Attention to Detail

Cold-Chain Multi-Client Warehouses Require Careful Attention to Detail

Safety and compliance add complexity to warehousing fresh and temperature-sensitive food

Multi-Client Cold Storage Warehouse
Mike Medeiros

Mike Medeiros

Senior Vice President DCC Enterprise Lead

Pete Bayer

Pete Bayer

Senior Vice President of Operations

Demystifying the Logistics Control Tower

Demystifying the Logistics Control Tower

Penske Logistics experts discuss what you need to know about this important supply chain technology

Penske Logistics Truck

Understanding the Difference Between Dedicated Contract Carriage and Dedicated Truckload Capacity

Dedicated contract carriage and dedicated truckload capacity provide different ways for shippers to move freight

Aerial Street View

Add Capacity, Improve Sustainability Through Logistics Route Optimization

Taking miles out of your supply chain network can help you reach your sustainability goals and increase efficiency

Penske Truck

Managing Cross-Border Freight in Rapidly Changing Times

Five crucial lessons learned from a period of disruption to transborder freight flows

Engineering Computers

Scenario Planning Is Helping Shippers to Make Sense of Uncertainty

Change has become a constant, so companies need strategic and agile solutions