andy moses

The movement of goods is being transformed through the power of data-driven insights

An efficient and reliable supply chain gives companies a competitive advantage. Yet shippers and third-party logistics (3PL) providers must be agile to meet the supply chain's increasing level of complexity.

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Shippers rely on their third-party logistics (3PL) partners for a broad range of logistics and supply chain services. To forge a successful relationship, shippers and 3PLs must emphasize data and communication, according to the 23rd Annual Third-Party Logistics Study.

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The power of artificial intelligence is advancing at a rapid pace, and the technology is transforming industries, including the supply chain. With its ability to process vast amounts of data, identify and learn from patterns, and improve decision-making, AI, along with machine learning, optimizes processes, increases efficiency and mitigates risk.

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A recent check-in with a group of senior economists revealed that on the U.S. domestic front, the next several quarters will likely experience slow economic growth. Recession or not, the outlook isn’t for a high-octane economy.

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Ongoing disruptions, rapidly advancing technology and the need for continual improvement are reshaping the supply chain. The 35th Annual Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) State of Logistics Report®uncovered several trends altering the supply chain landscape.

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Technology is transforming the supply chain, bringing greater visibility, increased efficiency and more control. As a result, shippers and their logistics providers are becoming more agile, flexing to meet shifting supply chain needs and reducing operational costs.

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Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and supply chain leaders are investing in emerging tech solutions to improve business operations, optimize processes and enhance sustainability. As a result, supply chain models are undergoing a profound transformation, and logistics providers and shippers agree that several technologies are not only changing operations today but also hold significant potential for their organizations.

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The supply chain continues to deal with ongoing disruptions, which have become increasingly numerous, larger in scale and more simultaneous. While technology plays a critical role in keeping products moving, 3PLs and shippers can’t overlook the value of getting back to basics and focusing on core supply chain principles that have proven successful time and time again.

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There are several reasons why a production line may unexpectedly shut down, including a lack of supply, a lack of employees or a cyberattack. During COVID-19, production lines were shuttered worldwide, causing unprecedented supply chain disruptions. Restarting a supply chain, especially when stoppages are widespread, can be complex.

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Several companies stepped up to meet new demands during the COVID-19 global pandemic and pivoted their production lines to make much-needed items. Automakers shifted their manufacturing abilities from vehicles to ventilators, fashion designers started making face masks and distilleries learned to make hand sanitizer.

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The supply chain can make or break a retail business. Empty shelves and out-of-stocks result in lost sales, frustrated customers and decreased loyalty. Technology and visibility tools are helping to bring all the functions in the supply chain together with a common, shared view of what is happening to keep the supply chain running smoothly.

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For those of us whose livelihood focuses on supply chain management, it’s clear that disruption is now a normal part of business. Recent examples of front-page news include extreme weather events, the pandemic and international unrest. When managing a supply chain, there are lessons to be learned from each of these events.

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An estimated 70% of all freight moved in the U.S. annually is delivered by truck, but completing these deliveries on time is not getting any easier. Increasing road congestion is one of the speed bumps that are disrupting delivery services across the nation.

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Warehousing space is at a premium and represents a significant portion of total supply chain costs. Consequently, shippers need to carefully evaluate the case for investing in more storage capacity.

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A "Lean" supply chain subscribes to the management philosophy that driving out waste is a sure route to business efficiency. Penske Logistics supports Lean practices as part of its culture of continuous improvement.

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In the supply chain industry, every minute counts, and having a comprehensive real-time view of the network gives shippers and their transportation partners a strategic advantage. Visibility drives customer service as well as the ability to make tactical decisions, which is why Penske created the ClearChain® mobile app. The app provides customers with complete visibility and transparency, so they can see precisely where their loads are, create watch lists and view schedules.

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A strong supply chain is central to effective operations, but anything from rapid growth to external forces can disrupt operations. When a supply chain is out of control, the right people, processes and technology can bring it back in line to improve service, optimize routes and reduce costs.

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