Fill Your Empty Miles

With its ClearChain® software, Penske Logistics can help you find that needle in the haystack

Tractor trailor on road

You have set routes you run regularly. But if you have empty return loads, you could be losing valuable revenue. Even more, empty return loads hinder your efforts to provide the highest level of customer service and the most dependable deliveries.

In today’s world of tighter capacity and truck driver shortages, finding the right backhaul is imperative. Yet it can be like finding a needle in a haystack. The search is worthwhile, because once you find the right backhaul, you increase revenue and sustainability.

With its ClearChain® software, Penske Logistics can help you find that needle in the haystack. We’ll take our industry knowledge and advanced planning knowhow, then combine it with software that gives you full visibility so you know everything is executed as planned.

Get more time to find the right match

Finding the right backhaul opportunity requires intense coordination, because the timing must match at every step of the delivery process. Carriers need to find backhauls that fit within their schedule. They also have to find products that work within their trailers.

“The biggest thing we can do is to increase revenue, and backhauls allow us to do that,”
—Andrew Hagg, corporate freight coordinator, Penske Logistics

Complicating matters is that finding the perfect match involves many moving targets. Any disruption in the primary delivery, such as a traffic or weather delay, can alter the availability of a pickup and disrupt the scheduled backhaul. The backhaul also must move as planned without causing substantial out-of-route miles or delays.

Get Real-Time Truck Location Information

To give you the time to find the right opportunity, Penske created applications within ClearChain that facilitate backhaul load processing. These applications show lanes with available capacity as well as the status and specifications of vehicles within those lanes.

Take Corrective Action Sooner

Real-time visibility gives Penske more time to find and book the right load. Then, once the backhaul load is locked in, this visibility provides constant insight into any availability changes. That allows Penske’s team to react quickly when necessary, correct the course, and minimize the chances that it will have to return a load.

“The earlier I know there’s a delay, the quicker I can course correct and prevent disruptions.”
—Andrew Hagg, corporate freight coordinator, Penske Logistics

Users upload proof of delivery into ClearChain. This adds to the checks and balances that ensure all puzzle pieces fit together perfectly. ClearChain also links with billing to ensure each load’s finances are properly accounted for throughout the entire process.

See Estimated and Actual Arrival Times

When working with backhauls, Penske’s team monitors a detailed dashboard that outlines drivers’ current estimated arrival times and actual times. The technology streamlines the time-consuming and inefficient process of combing through a list of shippers and calling them to learn the direction freight is traveling.

Increase Revenue and Value

Penske takes a multipronged approach to securing backhaul opportunities. In addition to working with brokers, Penske’s team secures opportunities directly with shippers. This can result in better rates, consistent lanes and longer-term commitment, all of which contributes to the overall value of a backhaul load.

Backhauls bring far more than just convenience. When you find the right backhaul opportunity, you will increase revenue and grow your supply chain. The experts at Penske Logistics will work with you to find the perfect match, increase your customer service and make seamless and efficient deliveries.


ClearChain Technology Suite

Our technology provides visibility, improves efficiency and keeps supply chains moving.

Secure Your Data

Our data security solutions monitor systems, information, and those who access and view data.

Increase Your Visibility

Our technology suite allows users to know what is happening at the touch of a button.

Improve Your Efficiency

Drive efficiency, increase sustainability, optimize the supply chain and reduce your risks.

Keep Your Supply Chain Moving

Access data to ensure continuous operations, satisfy customers and drive business results.